Now days, knowing version control tool is must when you are working in a team (including Development, QA team, and Devops etc.,) and agile project. Github is one of the famous version control tool in current world, it is distributed and open source.
In this post, I am going to give some basic idea about how to use git commands.
Pre-requisite: Git needs to be installed in your system. In this post, I will show you the commands and the operations using Git Bash which is installed in my machine. To make sure if git is installed correctly, run the command "git --version".
Assumption: You already know the stages of git which are working directory, staging area and committed files area and the flow from your working directory to committed area.
1. git init
Whenever you want to work on git, you have to instruct git to track your project directory. So, any changes you made in the directory will be tracked by git. To do so, you have to execute the command "git init"
In my case, I have created a folder(directory) called GitDemo and placed my project file( in this directory and I would like git to track all the changes in this directory.
4. git reset
Lets say that you made some mistake in "" and you stored this file already in staging area. Now, you want to revert back from staging area. You have to execute the command "git reset" for this.
7. git show
This command shows the content changes of the specified commit. This command can be executed either "git show" or "git show <Filename>".
In the above snapshot, highlighted lines in red color are removed from previous commit and green color lines are added from previous commit.
8. git diff
This command shows the file differences which are not yet staged. As you know, the latest commit version of "" is having two lines of code.
In this post, I am going to give some basic idea about how to use git commands.
Pre-requisite: Git needs to be installed in your system. In this post, I will show you the commands and the operations using Git Bash which is installed in my machine. To make sure if git is installed correctly, run the command "git --version".
Assumption: You already know the stages of git which are working directory, staging area and committed files area and the flow from your working directory to committed area.
1. git init
Whenever you want to work on git, you have to instruct git to track your project directory. So, any changes you made in the directory will be tracked by git. To do so, you have to execute the command "git init"
In my case, I have created a folder(directory) called GitDemo and placed my project file( in this directory and I would like git to track all the changes in this directory.
Now, I am going to instruct git to track this directory using gitbash.
After executing this command, you will see the hidden folder called .git created in your directory.
From now on, git will track this directory until you explicitly ask git not to do so.
2. git status
Now you wanted to list out the files which are untracked or modified files in your directory. To find out that, you can use "git status" command
In my case, "" file is untracked and it was highlighted in red color.
3. git add
As you see, there is one file which is not tracked so far and you would like to add it to your staging area. Currently your directory is in working directory stage and the file "" is in working directory at the moment.
You want to add this file to staging area by executing the command "git add -A" or "git add ."
Note, "" color has been changed to green which means it is stored in staging area.
4. git reset
Lets say that you made some mistake in "" and you stored this file already in staging area. Now, you want to revert back from staging area. You have to execute the command "git reset" for this.
Now you can see "" file back to red color and say untracked file.
5. git commit
Hope you created a file and stored it in staging area. Now, you want to commit the changes in the local repository (nothing but committed area in your local). This command records the file permanently in the version history. To do so, you will have to execute the command "git commit -m "<your message related to the changes>"
In my case, file is committed very first time in to local repository. Now if you do "git status" command, you will see the message "nothing to commit, working tree clean"
6. git log
This command is used to list the version history (number of commits) for the current branch (Don't worry about branch at this moment, I will talk about it in upcoming posts. Stay tuned).
In my case, I have done only one commit and it will be displayed. Note, each commit has its own commit id which is 40 digit alphanumerical value.
Let me make some changes in "" and commit the changes again.
Before change:
After change:
Now, let me run "git log" command. You will be able to see two commit ids along with messages for each commit
This command shows the content changes of the specified commit. This command can be executed either "git show" or "git show <Filename>".
In the above snapshot, highlighted lines in red color are removed from previous commit and green color lines are added from previous commit.
8. git diff
This command shows the file differences which are not yet staged. As you know, the latest commit version of "" is having two lines of code.
Now, I am adding one more line in the "" file. However, I am neither saving it nor storing it in stage area. The current file looks like
Let me execute "git diff" command and see the result
9. git config
When you are working with multiple people or in a team, you want to know the changes done by others and others are also keen to view your changes in the file. So, it is important to inform git that this is the author who made the changes in the file and what are those changes. To do so, you have to use "git config" command.
Before executing "git config" command, your working directory shows like
Now, you are setting the config values as below
After setting the config values, you will see the below screen
Let us assume that I have made some changes in the file and committed the file. When I ran "git log" command, I could see my name and date/time when I commit the file. This will help others to see who committed and when it was committed.
10. rm -rf .git
Let us assume that you are done with this project and you want to instruct git to untrack the project. To do so, you have to execute "rm -rf .git" command.
Now go and see the working directory and there wont be any ".git" folder
Hope these commands help you to start with git. Let me come up with more commands in my next post. Happy reading 😀.
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